Book Fair is this week!
Red Ribbon week is this week!
Let’s UNITE TOGETHER to celebrate RED
We want to show our support to one another for making good choices
and being DRUG FREE! October 21st
through 25th please show your support by joining in and wearing
themed clothing designated for each day:
Monday: My future is bright, I won’t do drugs: Wear Neon/Bright colors and sunglasses
Tuesday: Team up against drugs: Wear your favorite team jersey, sweatshirt, or
Wednesday: Follow Your Dreams, Don’t Do Drugs: Wear school/weather appropriate pajamas.
Thursday: Put a cap on drugs: Wear your favorite hat
Friday: I’m a ‘jean’ious-I’m drug free: wear jeans and a red shirt

Penny Drive for Thanksgiving....
October 22 - November 13, Discovery is teaming up with Albertsons to raise money for families in need this holiday season by collecting pennies or other denominations of change.
Our Halloween Party is coming together! Thank you to all parents for volunteering treats, activities, and/or time. Those parents will be receiving an email this week with further details. Remember: Costumes need to be school weapons, gore, blood, face paint, masks.
Curriculum Items

Math: Identifying, ordering, adding/subtracting fractions and decimals
Word Study: Spelling practice, Root Word: Dict
Language Arts: Identifying parts of speech; writing Narrative stories; Rough draft of Narrative is due Thursday, with the final draft due on Friday.
Social Studies: Review Colonies; Identify Latituted and Longitude
Art: Student Art Portfolios are due this week, with the front and back completely covered in mosaic paper tiles or any material they choose to use.
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