
Busy, busy, busy...

We have several tests, large assignments, and events sneaking up on us....see below.

MAP and ISAT Testing

Reading MAP - Tuesday, April 29  (A.M.)
Math MAP - Tuesday, May 6 (A.M.)
Science ISAT - Tuesday, May 13 (A.M. and P.M.)
Language ISAT - Friday, May 16 (A.M.)
(5th Graders will also be taking the Middle School Math Placement Test sometime in May.)

We are having a few tests next week:
Causes of the Civil War - April 30
Math - Geometric Attributes, Perimeter, Area, Volume of 3d shapes
Language Arts are continually assessed during reading and writing activities

Heritage Middle School Visit
Yep...that time of year is here.  On Friday, May 23, students will be bussed to Heritage Middle School to tour the campus, meet some teachers, and preview the 6th grade hallways.  It is a thrilling event for students only.  If parents wish to tour, Heritage requests that you please make an appointment over the summer. 

Science Fair
Due May 22
Students were given the Science Fair project requirements.  (I'm sorry I cannot post the doc here at this time.  However, I will email that doc out to parents.) 

We will be hosting our annual Science Fair for parents and family members to come view the projects on Wednesday, May 28 from 1:30-2:30pm.  We hope you can attend!

Field Day
~Volunteers Needed~
Field day (for our grade) will be held on Friday, May 30 from 9am until 11:30am and we are in need of parent volunteers.  Mrs. Jensen has requested 7 parent volunteers from our classroom.  If you can help, please let me know right away.  I will also need to know if you want to stay at a station or travel with a group of students from our class from station to station.

5th Grade Celebration
**Students will need to supply a 'washed' white tee shirt by Friday, May 16 for our Tie Dying activity, scheduled for the following week.**  This tee will be worn during our 5th Grade Celebration.
~Volunteers Needed~
Each year, fifth graders get to participate in an event similar to the television hit series, "The Amazing Race".  We will need about 10 parent volunteers from our class to set-up and run stations from 9:30-12:30 on Tuesday, June 3.   Please let me know as soon as possible if you can help at this event.  We cannot do this activity without parent volunteers.

Advancement Ceremony
Mark your calendars!  Wednesday, June 4 at 10:30am (on the last day of school), we will be having our 5th Grade Advancement Ceremony.   At this ceremony, students will be given certificates and a few awards will be given for academics, physical fitness, etc.  This will be the last chance you have of getting pictures of your fifth grader at the elementary level!  It is quite an exciting time for all!

Please be aware that the last day of school is a FULL day and report cards will be sent home on that day.   If your child will not be at school the last few days of school, please let me know so I can be sure to get all necessary end-of-year items prepared in advance.

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