
End of Trimester 2...


End of Trimester 2
We do not have school on Friday, February 28.  Teachers will be in an inservice and working on report cards, as it is the end of Trimester 2.  You can expect report cards sent home on Thursday, March 6th.  Please sign the Folder and return in the envelope provided. 

PACE is complete!
Pace written reports have been graded and will be sent home in the report card envelope with the grading rubric and scores attached. The oral presentation scored rubric will also be attached. However, the district takes the oral presentation scored rubrics and compiles them into an overall knowledge of content score and a presentation score. These scores should be sent home with report cards if we receive them from district in time. Otherwise, they will be sent home after report cards.

Middle School Registration
Middle school registration packets were sent home with your child on Friday, Feb. 21.  Mr. Hartman, the Heritage MS band teacher will be speaking with our students about music/band options on Wed. Feb. 26 @3:15pm.  Please do not fill out the music option until he comes to speak.  Registration packets will need to be returned to school no later than Monday, March 3. 

Growth and Development Videos
Our Nurse Lafond will be meeting with the boy group and the girl group seperately to watch the Growth and Development videos on Thursday, Feb. 27 after last recess. 

Permission slips need to be sent in if your child can or cannot view the videos. 
There will be a parent preview of the videos tomorrow, Tues. Feb 25
4:00-4:30 Girls Video
4:30-5:00 Boys Video
Parents are encouraged to come preview these videos.

Class Picture Day!
We will be having our class pictures taken on Wednesday, March 5 around 11a.m.  We want all 32 smiling faces to be in the photo, so please do not schedule any appointments for your child during that time.  Thank you.

4 - PTA meeting 4pm
5 - Class Picture Day
7 - Popcorn Friday
14 - Pi Day!!!! 
14 - Technology Night 6-8pm
21 - Licorice/Spirit Day
24-28 Spring Break - No School


The day has arrived...

Tomorrow are our PACE presentations!


February Items

Warm Clothes and Pick Up/Drop Off:
Students need to be sure they are dressed warm during these unpredictable weather patterns.  Sever students have been coming to school in just a lightweight jacket rather than a heavy winter coat, gloves, hat, and boots. 

Also, when picking up or dropping off your child, please be sure to have students enter and exit your car at the curb in the parking lot.  Do not make them come to you unless you are parked in a parking spot.  We have had children darting out into the parking lot with out crossing in the cross walk.  Thank you.

Curriculum Items:
Today was the due date for the PACE final copies with Bibliography page attached.  Most have been printed and turned in, however the following students didn't have them printed and/or on their desk at the end of the day today:  7, 9, 11, 14, 18, 29.   Please ask your child what their number is....and encourage them to get the items turned in first thing in the morning.    Power Points are due on Friday and we will be practicing all next week.    We will be presenting on Wednesday, Feb. 19.

This weekend, Wordly Wise books will be sent home.  Please look over each lesson up through Lesson 10 and encourage your child to redo anything item that is marked incorrect. I have been noticing more and more students rushing through their work, not caring enough to make sure their answers are reasonable.  If your child is missing more than one or two per activity, he/she will need your support nightly to increase their word study knowledge.  Thank you.

We will be having a Social Studies test on Wednesday, Feb. 12.   I have posted a study guide in the Curriculum Items tab, but you can also click here for the study guide.  This will be an essay test, so students need to be practicing writing the information in paragraph format. 

We have been practicing division of fractions/whole numbers this past week and will continue learning strategies for division.  That study guide can also be found in the Curriculum Items tab as well as here.  A test will be given each Friday for the next three weeks to assess mastery.

We have just begun our Cells unit in science.  As soon as I can get the digital evidence uploaded, you will get to see how popular our cell lab was today.

Valentine Party:
Friday, February 14, 2:45-3:45 is our Valentine's party.  Here is the student list: 2014 Student Valentine List

Calendar Items:
Feb. 7, Friday:  Popcorn Day
Feb. 10-14:  White Ribbon Week
Feb. 12, Wednesday:  Constitution Test
Feb.  12, Wednesday:  Chipotle Night (Fundraiser for Discovery at Chipotle)
Feb. 14, Friday:  Valentine's Party
Feb. 17, Monday:  No School
Feb. 19, Wednesday:  PACE Presentations (no parents please)
Feb. 19, Wednesday:  Parent Tech Awareness Night
Feb. 21, Friday:  Cells Test (study guide not available yet)
Feb. 21, Friday:  Licorice/Spirit Day
Feb. 25, Tuesday:  5th grade Growth and Development Video Parent Preview Night (Girls video: 4-4:30; Boys video: 4:40-5pm)
Feb. 28, Friday:  No School - End of Trimester 2;  Teacher Inservice