Math MAP test ~ Tuesday, January 28 in the morning
Language MAP test ~ Tuesday, February 4 in the morning
Ski Night
Tuesday, January 28 3pm-9ish.

Valentine's Party
Friday, February, 14

Students will need to bring a decorated shoe box or a decorated bag to use to collect their valentines, as we won't have time to decorate them in class.
The first 20 minutes of our party will be devoted to passing out and reading the valentines. I am requesting a parent volunteer to organize this party. This will include organizing a treat and a 30 minute activity. Please contact me as soon as possible if you can be the organizer of this party.
Curriculum Items
Reading & Language Arts: PACE reports (Rought Drafts have been started, editing has begun, and second drafts are currently being written. Typed final drafts due Feb. 5)
Wordly Wise Lesson 10-11
Root Words: Graph/Scrib/Script (Test Jan. 29)
Math: Division models and variables (Multiplication test over modeling fractions, decimals, whole numbers, and the standard algorithm will be on Jan. 31)
Science: Discovering plant and animal cells and the process of photosynthesis (Test Feb. 14)
Social Studies: Identifying the Bill of Rights, the three branches of our government, and the concept of Federalism (Test Feb. 12)