
The end of the school year is near!

Below are the upcoming events for our 5th graders and parents. As you can see, the end of the school year is nearing an end, and we have quite a few activities planned. I will be doing final assessements the last week of May, sending report cards on the last day of school. I'm really going to miss this group of kiddos and I hope they come back to visit me often!!
Thank you to all parents who are volunteering for Field Day (May 30) and 5th Grade Celebration "Amazing Race". If you do not see your name below, and you would like to volunteer, please let me know and I will be sure to get you on the volunteer list.
Tee Shirts:
We will be tie dying tee shirts for our Amazing Race on Wednesday, May 21. Please send in a white tee shirt by Tuesday, May 20th with your child's name sharpied in black on the tag.
Field Day Volunteers:
We have the following parents helping at Field Day:
Alicia Wright, Ashlee Stone, Jennifer Walker, Steve Rutherford, Kim Kane, Ann Shelton, Terri Stevenson, and Shuree Chrysler
On Friday, May 30th, you would need to arrive at school around 9 and would be helping until around 11:30.

5th Grade Celebration "Amazing Race":
I have the following parents helping at Celebration 9-12:30:
Kimberly Christensen, Susan Moon, Alicia Wright, Jennifer Walker, Jerry Shelton, Shuree Chrysler, Terri Stevenson, Angela Angel
We still need around 2 more parents to volunteer to help with activities from 9:00 - 12:30 on June 3rd.
It is quite the event and will leave you with some great memories of your child's time at Discovery. We also need a couple of parents to send some fruit (watermelon, strawberries, grapes, cantelope, etc.) for the lunch we throw afterwards. We will be having pizza, chips, fruit, a treat, and drinks.

Science Fair:
Our Science Fair will be on Wednesday, May 28th. Boards need to be turned in on Thursday, May 22nd.
Parents are invited to tour the students projects in the gym May 28th from 1:30 - 2:30.Other grades will be visiting from 10-12 that same day.
Advancement Ceremony:
We will be holding our Advancement Ceremony on Wednesday, June 4th at 10:30 and want to invite all parents, grandparents, and friends to celebrate this milestone in your child's academic journey. At this time we will be handing out the Presidential Academic Fitness Awards, and celebrating other student accomplishments, and students' advancement to middle school.
21 - Tie Dying Shirts
23 - Heritage Middle School Visit 9:00am-12:00pm
26 - No School - Memorial Day
28 - Success Day
28 - Science Fair 1:30-2:30pm
30 - Field Day 9-11:30am
3 - 5th Grade Celebration Amazing Race 9:00am-12:30pm
4 - Advancement Ceremony 10:30-11:15am
4 - Last Day of School ~ Full Day


Busy, busy, busy...

We have several tests, large assignments, and events sneaking up on us....see below.

MAP and ISAT Testing

Reading MAP - Tuesday, April 29  (A.M.)
Math MAP - Tuesday, May 6 (A.M.)
Science ISAT - Tuesday, May 13 (A.M. and P.M.)
Language ISAT - Friday, May 16 (A.M.)
(5th Graders will also be taking the Middle School Math Placement Test sometime in May.)

We are having a few tests next week:
Causes of the Civil War - April 30
Math - Geometric Attributes, Perimeter, Area, Volume of 3d shapes
Language Arts are continually assessed during reading and writing activities

Heritage Middle School Visit
Yep...that time of year is here.  On Friday, May 23, students will be bussed to Heritage Middle School to tour the campus, meet some teachers, and preview the 6th grade hallways.  It is a thrilling event for students only.  If parents wish to tour, Heritage requests that you please make an appointment over the summer. 

Science Fair
Due May 22
Students were given the Science Fair project requirements.  (I'm sorry I cannot post the doc here at this time.  However, I will email that doc out to parents.) 

We will be hosting our annual Science Fair for parents and family members to come view the projects on Wednesday, May 28 from 1:30-2:30pm.  We hope you can attend!

Field Day
~Volunteers Needed~
Field day (for our grade) will be held on Friday, May 30 from 9am until 11:30am and we are in need of parent volunteers.  Mrs. Jensen has requested 7 parent volunteers from our classroom.  If you can help, please let me know right away.  I will also need to know if you want to stay at a station or travel with a group of students from our class from station to station.

5th Grade Celebration
**Students will need to supply a 'washed' white tee shirt by Friday, May 16 for our Tie Dying activity, scheduled for the following week.**  This tee will be worn during our 5th Grade Celebration.
~Volunteers Needed~
Each year, fifth graders get to participate in an event similar to the television hit series, "The Amazing Race".  We will need about 10 parent volunteers from our class to set-up and run stations from 9:30-12:30 on Tuesday, June 3.   Please let me know as soon as possible if you can help at this event.  We cannot do this activity without parent volunteers.

Advancement Ceremony
Mark your calendars!  Wednesday, June 4 at 10:30am (on the last day of school), we will be having our 5th Grade Advancement Ceremony.   At this ceremony, students will be given certificates and a few awards will be given for academics, physical fitness, etc.  This will be the last chance you have of getting pictures of your fifth grader at the elementary level!  It is quite an exciting time for all!

Please be aware that the last day of school is a FULL day and report cards will be sent home on that day.   If your child will not be at school the last few days of school, please let me know so I can be sure to get all necessary end-of-year items prepared in advance.


Marvelous March...

Supplemental Levy ~ Vote tomorrow!
Make your voice count by voting on the Supplemental Levy tomorrow, Tuesday, March 11.   Polls are open 8am to 8pm.

Trimester 3 Curriculum
You can find full curriculum outlines on the Meridian School District website:


Language Arts: 
Students will be reading more expository (informational) text; comparing/contrasting information; opinion writing supported by valid reasons and evidence; reading and writing poetry; understanding figurative language; demonstrating effective listening skills; continuing word study/grammar skills; and more.

Students will classify 2d shapes in a hierarchy; calculate volume of 3d shapes; converting units of measurement; plotting  on a coordinate plane; use algebraic thinking skills; and more.

Students will identify the layers of the earth; identify the rock cycle; explain how matter is recycled in the rock cycle; and more.
(*Layers of the Earth 3d model is due on Wednesday, March 19.)

Social Studies:
Elements of History, Geography, and Economics will be introduced, such as:  Civil War, Reconstruction period, and Westward Expansion; slavery, industrialization, and transportation; map skills; and more.

District Art Collection Project
This week is the week for students to submit any art project of any media type, including 3d items, photography, or more, to compete for the District's art collection contest.  Students can submit art completed in class or from home.  

Tech Night
Friday, March 14 is Discovery's Tech Night from 6-8pm.  Come enjoy a fun night with your family, experiencing the technology our 21st century school uses daily! Our fabulous PTA, parents, and staff have an amazing night planned, including raffle gift baskets, great food, and fun events.    We are looking forward to seeing all of you there!!

Book Fair/Art Walk
Next week is our Spring Book Fair, March 17-20, with the Art Walk on Wednesday, March 19,  3:50pm - 7:30pm. 

5th Grade Music Program
Parents, grandparents, and family members are invited to the 5th Grade "America's Music" Program on Thursday, March 20 at 11am.  It will be a great performance you won't want to miss!

Spring Break
Yep....it's almost here.  Spring break is March 24-28.  Have a fun break!


End of Trimester 2...


End of Trimester 2
We do not have school on Friday, February 28.  Teachers will be in an inservice and working on report cards, as it is the end of Trimester 2.  You can expect report cards sent home on Thursday, March 6th.  Please sign the Folder and return in the envelope provided. 

PACE is complete!
Pace written reports have been graded and will be sent home in the report card envelope with the grading rubric and scores attached. The oral presentation scored rubric will also be attached. However, the district takes the oral presentation scored rubrics and compiles them into an overall knowledge of content score and a presentation score. These scores should be sent home with report cards if we receive them from district in time. Otherwise, they will be sent home after report cards.

Middle School Registration
Middle school registration packets were sent home with your child on Friday, Feb. 21.  Mr. Hartman, the Heritage MS band teacher will be speaking with our students about music/band options on Wed. Feb. 26 @3:15pm.  Please do not fill out the music option until he comes to speak.  Registration packets will need to be returned to school no later than Monday, March 3. 

Growth and Development Videos
Our Nurse Lafond will be meeting with the boy group and the girl group seperately to watch the Growth and Development videos on Thursday, Feb. 27 after last recess. 

Permission slips need to be sent in if your child can or cannot view the videos. 
There will be a parent preview of the videos tomorrow, Tues. Feb 25
4:00-4:30 Girls Video
4:30-5:00 Boys Video
Parents are encouraged to come preview these videos.

Class Picture Day!
We will be having our class pictures taken on Wednesday, March 5 around 11a.m.  We want all 32 smiling faces to be in the photo, so please do not schedule any appointments for your child during that time.  Thank you.

4 - PTA meeting 4pm
5 - Class Picture Day
7 - Popcorn Friday
14 - Pi Day!!!! 
14 - Technology Night 6-8pm
21 - Licorice/Spirit Day
24-28 Spring Break - No School


The day has arrived...

Tomorrow are our PACE presentations!


February Items

Warm Clothes and Pick Up/Drop Off:
Students need to be sure they are dressed warm during these unpredictable weather patterns.  Sever students have been coming to school in just a lightweight jacket rather than a heavy winter coat, gloves, hat, and boots. 

Also, when picking up or dropping off your child, please be sure to have students enter and exit your car at the curb in the parking lot.  Do not make them come to you unless you are parked in a parking spot.  We have had children darting out into the parking lot with out crossing in the cross walk.  Thank you.

Curriculum Items:
Today was the due date for the PACE final copies with Bibliography page attached.  Most have been printed and turned in, however the following students didn't have them printed and/or on their desk at the end of the day today:  7, 9, 11, 14, 18, 29.   Please ask your child what their number is....and encourage them to get the items turned in first thing in the morning.    Power Points are due on Friday and we will be practicing all next week.    We will be presenting on Wednesday, Feb. 19.

This weekend, Wordly Wise books will be sent home.  Please look over each lesson up through Lesson 10 and encourage your child to redo anything item that is marked incorrect. I have been noticing more and more students rushing through their work, not caring enough to make sure their answers are reasonable.  If your child is missing more than one or two per activity, he/she will need your support nightly to increase their word study knowledge.  Thank you.

We will be having a Social Studies test on Wednesday, Feb. 12.   I have posted a study guide in the Curriculum Items tab, but you can also click here for the study guide.  This will be an essay test, so students need to be practicing writing the information in paragraph format. 

We have been practicing division of fractions/whole numbers this past week and will continue learning strategies for division.  That study guide can also be found in the Curriculum Items tab as well as here.  A test will be given each Friday for the next three weeks to assess mastery.

We have just begun our Cells unit in science.  As soon as I can get the digital evidence uploaded, you will get to see how popular our cell lab was today.

Valentine Party:
Friday, February 14, 2:45-3:45 is our Valentine's party.  Here is the student list: 2014 Student Valentine List

Calendar Items:
Feb. 7, Friday:  Popcorn Day
Feb. 10-14:  White Ribbon Week
Feb. 12, Wednesday:  Constitution Test
Feb.  12, Wednesday:  Chipotle Night (Fundraiser for Discovery at Chipotle)
Feb. 14, Friday:  Valentine's Party
Feb. 17, Monday:  No School
Feb. 19, Wednesday:  PACE Presentations (no parents please)
Feb. 19, Wednesday:  Parent Tech Awareness Night
Feb. 21, Friday:  Cells Test (study guide not available yet)
Feb. 21, Friday:  Licorice/Spirit Day
Feb. 25, Tuesday:  5th grade Growth and Development Video Parent Preview Night (Girls video: 4-4:30; Boys video: 4:40-5pm)
Feb. 28, Friday:  No School - End of Trimester 2;  Teacher Inservice


Upcoming events

Map Testing
Math MAP test ~  Tuesday, January 28 in the morning
Language MAP test ~ Tuesday, February 4 in the morning

Ski Night
Tuesday, January 28  3pm-9ish. 
Students who signed up and paid to go on the 5th Grade Ski Trip to Bogus will be leaving school around 3pm on Tuesday.  We will be back to Discovery around 9pm, so please be sure to be in the parking lot to get your child off of the bus.    Students not going on the ski trip will be dismissed at the end of the regular school day. 

Valentine's Party
Friday, February, 14
We will be having a Valentine's Day party on Friday, February 14 the last hour of class.  Student's will be doing a valentine swap.  It is not required that your child bring valentines, but if he/she does choose to bring them, he/she must bring a valentine for every student. 

Students will need to bring a decorated shoe box or a decorated bag to use to collect their valentines, as we won't have time to decorate them in class.  

The first 20 minutes of our party will be devoted to passing out and reading the valentines.  I am requesting a parent volunteer to organize this party.  This will include organizing a treat and a 30 minute activity.  Please contact me as soon as possible if you can be the organizer of this party.

Curriculum Items
Reading & Language Arts:  PACE reports (Rought Drafts have been started, editing has begun, and second drafts are currently being written.  Typed final drafts due Feb. 5)
Wordly Wise Lesson 10-11
Root Words:  Graph/Scrib/Script (Test Jan. 29)
Math:  Division models and variables (Multiplication test over modeling fractions, decimals, whole numbers, and the standard algorithm will be on Jan. 31)
Science:  Discovering plant and animal cells and the process of photosynthesis (Test Feb. 14)
Social Studies:  Identifying the Bill of Rights, the three branches of our government, and the concept of Federalism (Test Feb. 12)


Happy New Year!

We are off and running!

Our PACE research projects have begun:  students have organized their PACE folders and research is underway.   We will be working of PACE each day for 1 hour per day (during our Language Arts block).    Click here to view PACE documents.

In Math, we are learning different ways to model multiplication of fractions and whole numbers, with students mastering the standard algorithm of multi-digit factors.  We will then be moving on to divisibility rules and models for dividing fractions and whole numbers.  Students will be given a multitude of contextual (story problems) questions.   

Students will be learning about the Articles of Confederation, the U.S. Constitution; its founding fathers, set up of our National Government, and our basic civil rights. 

Biology is our next Science unit and we will be kicking it off by creating a Biology Lap Book containing information about plant and animal cells particularly their functioning organelles and how the cells are similar and different.

Root words and spelling words will continue as before.  Please be sure your child is practicing his/her spelling words nightly and root words practiced weekly.

MAP Testing:
Students will be taking the Reading, Language Arts, and Math MAP tests this month and next.  These tests won't be reported to the state, but will be used to see if your child is "on target" for reaching his/her growth goals.   I will be conferencing with each student to discuss their targets prior to testing, so students have a goal to reach.  Please encourage your child to do his/her best on the tests.  I will be posting the testing dates once they are finalized.

5th Grade Ski Night:
We have a record turn out for students going up to Bogus Basin for ski night.   As of right now, some students are driving up with their parents and we have one bus full of students.  We are over capacity on the bus by 5 students.  If you are able to drive your student up to the mountain and back home, then we would really appreciate you letting myself or Mrs. Jensen know by written statement.  We cannot get a second bus, so we need parents to volunteer to drive their own child if possible.   Thank you!!

Marble Jar Party:
I'm sure you've heard....we've earned a Marble Jar Party which will be on Friday, January 24, the last hour of class.  Students have voted to have a Pizza Party. 

Cold Weather Clothing:
Please be sure your child brings a coat, hat, gloves, and boots (if possible).  With cold temps and wet conditions, it is important your child stays warm and as dry as possible.  Thank you.